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Version: v8



Title is a text component that sets the title for a toolbar. It can be used to describe the screen or section a user is currently on or the app being used.


Collapsible Large Titles

The large title will display when the content is scrolled to the start of the scroll container. When the title is scrolled behind the header, the condensed title will fade in.


This feature is only available for iOS.

Collapsible Buttons

The buttons component can be used with the collapse property to additionally display in the header as the toolbar is collapsed.



When creating headings, we typically recommend using semantic heading elements (h1-h6). However, there may be instances where you need to update Title to be treated as a particular heading by assistive technologies. For example, if you have a Title at the top of a view, you may want this to be considered a level 1 heading.

To achieve this, developers should use the heading role on Title. This will indicate to assistive technologies that Title is a type of heading. From there, developers should use the aria-level attribute to set the heading level.

For example, if we wanted to make a Title behave like an h1 element, we would set role="heading" and aria-level="1" on the Title. This is necessary when using the Focus Manager.

Since multiple Title elements can be used on a view in conjunction with semantic heading elements, Ionic does not automatically set the Title's role or aria-level. It is the responsibility of the developer to handle this.


The collapsible large title should appear seamless in relation to the rest of your content. This means that the background color of the toolbar containing the collapsible large title should always match the background color of the content.

By default, the toolbar that contains the standard title is hidden using opacity: 0 and is progressively shown as you collapse the large title by scrolling. As a result, the background color that you see behind the standard title is actually the background color of the content.

You can change the background color of the toolbar with the standard title by setting the --background CSS variable. This will give the effect of the header changing color as you collapse the large title.

When styling the text color of the large title, you should target the large title globally as opposed to within the context of a particular page or tab, otherwise its styles will not be applied during the navigation animation.

CSS Custom Properties



DescriptionThe color to use from your application's color palette. Default options are: "primary", "secondary", "tertiary", "success", "warning", "danger", "light", "medium", and "dark". For more information on colors, see theming.
Type"danger" | "dark" | "light" | "medium" | "primary" | "secondary" | "success" | "tertiary" | "warning" | string | undefined


DescriptionThe size of the toolbar title.
Type"large" | "small" | undefined


No events available for this component.


No public methods available for this component.

CSS Shadow Parts

No CSS shadow parts available for this component.

CSS Custom Properties

--colorText color of the title
--colorText color of the title


No slots available for this component.